Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Outside the system

Relates to Assange. 8 June 2017. Muckrock. FOIA news Intel. Emma Best Donald. In May 1975 Led Janka memo to Brent scocroft  classified as "outside the system" meaning very high sensitivity. 5% of items with "outside the system" declassified 40 years later.

May 2042. US. 6'June 2017. Reality Winner arrested NSA leaks age ,25. Reality Winner. Pluribus into corp NSA Georgia cyber attacks. NSA file declassify in May 2042.

Political violence

Political violence. After stealing my research my political enemies are threatening to kidnap me torture me trafficking me and force me into some horror, not my life not my politics, situation with their Nazi pawn gang member mates No way. Lies and slander victim blaming fraud. Its my life not theirs. I am not a Nazi not their mate. I am going to enjoy my basic human rights to read and write research and Nazi political enemies are not going to stop me. Christchurch New Zealand. I have been calling for Nazi extremism to be banned here just like it is banned all around  the world. I am a member of the internet party. I have been qualified as a journalist since 1990.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Cyber war

Www.SBS.com.au .movie documentary

Blogger corrupt

Wipes out and alters what I write. Banned becomes named?.

Nazi lies threats

Bombarded with lies slander victim blaming threats. I'm being told not to yell back at my enemies. So now I have some communications restored I will write in my defence. These sadists Nazi neo war criminals with New Zealand government jobs they should not have. Agenda pushing Nazi politics. Extreme bullying and extreme victim blaming. Threats to kidnap, torture worse than waterboarding in Christchurch NZ. Trafficking and force to point of death, totally unwilling, not my life, not my politics into a horror situation with their Nazi gang pawn mates .You can't run a state within a state. Hold people slaves prisoners and torture victims. Nazi extremism like thus is banned around the world. It should be banned in New Zealand too. Stalking me here too. They got revenge one for calling for them to be banned. They stole 2 boxes of my journalism  research. They forced me into homeless. Stole my things and now they are trying to get me kicked out of the motel im in.

Yelling hate crime threats and abuse. When u yel back in self defencei get told to shut up.

Copy and paste

Extortion Google

I got a new tablet. It forces the most obscene horrible so called adversiting into your sites even into pages of notes.Then they say pay us money to get these obscenities removed. Horrible invasions of privacy. For example. If I open a thing to block and delete it. That is registered as a you like this coz you opened it. Googles pre programmed errors gone toxic. You can't actually call these obscenities advertising all.  They are not trying yto sell anything. Extortion coz they demand money to remove them.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Cup day Christchurch

My computer does not work any more. So I got a tablet to access the internet with. I'm officially homeless but I'm not rough sleeping. Motel life. Someone sto!e 2 boxes of my card index research before I moved. I don't know who. I started a new research index. The same thing could happen again. I don't know who. A good book I found in the library today is called Losing military supremacy. The myopia if American strategic planning. By Andrei Martyanov. I ama member of the New Zealand Internet party. Suzie Dawson is the leader of the party. She is in exile in Moscow. I don't know if she can speak Russian or not. I thought it .would be a god idea to learn first before I went there. I am older than others I know of in the Internet party. See if I can post and share a blog using my tablet.